This site is created for collectors of mainly composition vintage toy soldiers produced by great toy makers of the past: Elastolin, Hausser, Lineol, Durso, Kienel, Starlux, Leyla, Schusso, Armee, Trico, Duro, Durolin, NB, Triumph, GJ and many others.

Toy soldiers and real battles: The Cavern Shelter (Underground Shelter) at the Fort Souville

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Tuesday, June 4, 2019

The Cavern Shelter (Underground Shelter) at the Fort Souville

This underground shelter (abri-caverne) was part of the Fort de Souville, which saw heavy fighting during the Battle of Verdun in 1916. This shelter was designed to protect infantry from bombardment. Latrines and washrooms adjoin the shelter. Later, tunnels were dug connecting this shelter to the Fort Souville, making this an additional entrance.

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